A Brief History of the Federal Estate Tax
A Brief History of the Federal Estate Tax test Permalink Comment
DetailsAttorneys and Counselors based in Great Falls, Montana
A Brief History of the Federal Estate Tax test Permalink Comment
DetailsHow You Can Use Tech To Care For Seniors Far Away This was submitted to us by a guest blogger. It’s very informative and needs to be shared. If you have a blog you would like to share, please submit to TanyaB@MontanaEstateLawyer.com As people grow older, they could use some help from time to time. That’s why…
DetailsTough Decisions! My fiancé is the type of man that every woman dreams of. He has been taking care of his mother for the past 10 years. His sisters come to visit once a month or so, and his brother, who lives out of state, comes to visit twice a year. Now, he has been…
DetailsThe Beneficiary-Controlled Trust The beneficiary-controlled trust (sometimes called an inheritor’s trust) is a vehicle for an heir to receive – and enjoy – an inheritance without the inheritance being owned outright by the heir and hence subject to claims of his or her creditors. Thus, it is an asset protection tool. How does it work?…
DetailsThe Importance of the Step-Up Basis Rule Before Congress enacted legislation a few years ago dramatically increasing the estate exemption amount, the name of the game in estate planning was largely estate tax minimization or avoidance. Now, the current exemption amount is $5,490,000 per individual in 2017, and spouses have the ability to double that…
DetailsKids off to College? Key Legal Documents Needed. It is the time of year for our children to be going off to college. What happens if the college student gets in an accident or is really sick when for away? Who back home can find out what’s going on and make healthcare decisions? Keith Tokerud…
DetailsFamily Bank Trust Any person currently may make a tax-free gift of up to $14,000 each year to anyone he or she wishes. One potential beneficiary of an annual exclusion gift is the donor’s spouse. This is often overlooked because the law allows an individual to make unlimited lifetime gifts to a spouse under the…
DetailsShould You Consider an IRA Trust for Your Estate Plan? The biggest advantage of IRAs and other tax-deferred retirement savings is the tax-deferred growth of your investment. The longer you can leave assets in the account to grow, the bigger the possible tax savings. This is true even if you have reached age 70 ½…
DetailsSpendthrift Provisions in Trusts provision? It is language contained within a revocable or irrevocable trust that limits the beneficiary’s legal rights concerning the trust assets. This restriction protects the trust property, and thus the beneficiary’s interest in the trust property, in two ways. It prevents a beneficiary from assigning or transferring away his or her…
Details8 Estate Planning Things to Do Before You Travel My colleague and friend, Jim McVittie, of Portland, Oregon, has posted a list of estate planning things we should before we travel. I wanted to share these with you so I have reproduced Jim’s post below. Before any trip, most of us create a “to-do list”…