Tough Decisions!
Tough Decisions! My fiancé is the type of man that every woman dreams of. He has been taking care of…
Attorneys and Counselors based in Great Falls, Montana
Tough Decisions! My fiancé is the type of man that every woman dreams of. He has been taking care of…
The Beneficiary-Controlled Trust The beneficiary-controlled trust (sometimes called an inheritor’s trust) is a vehicle for an heir to receive -…
The Importance of the Step-Up Basis Rule Before Congress enacted legislation a few years ago dramatically increasing the estate exemption…
Kids off to College? Key Legal Documents Needed. It is the time of year for our children to be going…
Family Bank Trust Any person currently may make a tax-free gift of up to $14,000 each year to anyone he…
Should You Consider an IRA Trust for Your Estate Plan? The biggest advantage of IRAs and other tax-deferred retirement savings…