Federal Estate Tax Portability
Federal Estate Tax Portability This is a written summary of the availability of “portability” under the federal estate tax laws.…
Attorneys and Counselors based in Great Falls, Montana
Federal Estate Tax Portability This is a written summary of the availability of “portability” under the federal estate tax laws.…
The “Death” Tax that Applies to Gifts In the “old days” people made annual gifts to minimize taxes. Today, that’s…
What are your options to pay for long-term care? There are several common approaches for dealing with future long-term care…
A Checklist for Family of Immediate Tasks After the Death of a loved One (Originally posted May 16, 2014) With…
Consider using a limited liability company in succession planning for your cabin or vacation home? People who own cabins or…
Who can make burial or cremation arrangements in Montana? One question our office occasionally is asked is who can make…