Our first blog post
We’ve wanted to launch a blog for a long time but there was always more research, more preparation, more discussion -something – that needed to be done. Well, I’ve finally decided that, just like everything else, the answer is to start doing something. So, here is the first blog entry from Scott, Tokerud & McCarty.
We’re planning to direct our writing primarily to our clients and friends. We’ll cover current issues involving estate planning and pass on some of the ideas that we think are most important in planning. We’ll also let you know what is happening in our firm.
I’ll start out this time with our firm: we’re pleased to have launched a new website. But we’re especially pleased to have hired two new staff members: Jeanne Myers and Jana Rehm. Jeanne is working as our receptionist and probate legal assistant. She has legal and business experience. Most recently she managed her husband’s business. She brings a lot of capability and a wonderful personality to our firm.
Jana is in charge of funding for our living trust matters. She comes from Wells Fargo Bank and has just the background we needed to navigate asset transfers, dealing with brokerage houses and banks, etc. Plus, she also is great with people.
So, we’ve really strengthened our team with the addition of Jeanne and Jana. You’ll enjoy getting to know them, I know.
I’m going to leave it at that for my first blog post.