A Time for Gratitude
Even for a Norwegian the Christmas holidays are a time of great emotion. For me there’s been: Sorrow – the first Christmas without my mom. Excitement – the first time I ever got everything on my Christmas list (3 books!). Stress – too much going on.
But the emotion that shines through is gratitude.
Thank you, Becky and Hannah, for being the world’s greatest wife and daughter. Your love and support are my bedrock.
Thank you, Jon, Tanya, Jeanne, Teresa, Megan, Halley and Tayler for making our office the best. You are caring, supportive and loyal. What a team!
Thank you to all the talented CPA’s, financial advisors and allied professionals who work with us. We couldn’t do it without you.
And thank you to our clients. We have the best clients, period. It’s a privilege to be able to work with you. Thank you for your honesty and candor and trust. You give meaning to our work.